Objectives and Achievement Strategies

Bachelor's Degree Program Objectives

  1. Competent graduates in the field of chemistry who can work professionally, independently and be able to compete at the national and international levels.
  2. Innovative research in the field of chemistry with an inter- and multi-disciplinary approach.
  3. Community service to increase community empowerment related to the field of chemistry.
  4. Research cooperation in the field of chemistry and its applications with industries and institutions both nationally and internationally.
  5. Building a network of cooperation with stakeholders both industry and other institutions at the national and international levels in the fields of education, research and community service for program sustainability.

Achievement Strategies

  1. Improving the quality of graduates through innovative and modern learning processes on an ongoing basis.
  2. Increased access to education based on the quality of prospective students through promotional activities.
  3. Increasing the quality and quantity of research of lecturers and students through strengthening the mastery of science and technology that is professional and independent.
  4. Increasing the number of publications of lecturer and student research results in scientific journals and or scientific seminars.
  5. Increasing the number of research collaborations and cooperation networks in the field of education and research with institutions both domestically and internationally.
  6. Increased social-institutional role through community service activities.