
Graduate Profile

The main objective of establishing the Chemistry Study Program at Airlangga University is to educate the nation’s life through educational development in order to obtain graduates with high morals, high knowledge in the field of chemistry, good performance, good soft skills, and high empathy for the surrounding community. To realize the goals of education, various approaches have been developed such as curriculum development and teaching methods, infrastructure preparation, human resource preparation, etc. The integration of all these approaches is developed to obtain a Learning Outcome that supports having quality graduates and high competitiveness at the national and international levels. Through an integrated approach, the chemistry study program of Airlangga University designs graduate competencies that have the following profiles:

  1. Analysts who are able to solve simple chemical problems based on procedural approaches.
  2. Technicians who are able to solve simple chemical problems based on procedural approaches.
  3. Supervisors who are able to coordinate several technicians and or analysts.
  4. Managers who are able to lead an organization, especially in the field of chemistry.

A profile of chemistry undergraduate program graduates from Airlangga University has been adjusted to the level of competency standards and graduate qualifications set by the Indonesian National Qualification Framework (INQF), where chemistry graduates (bachelor’s degree) are comparable to level 6 who have competencies as technicians or analysts.

Each profile needs parameter descriptions on the required competencies that include knowledge, job skills, managerial skills, attitudes and professional values. Learning Outcomes are expected to fulfill all these parameters. Each Learning Outcome is expected to be integrated into the program, both compulsory and elective courses so that the achievement of the competencies of each course supports one or more Learning Outcomes. Since the learning outcomes are determined based on an analysis that is structured based on tiered competencies according to the given subject, the learning outcomes will definitely meet the standards consisting of knowledge, skills and attitudes and graduates have professional ethics.

Attitude Skills

  1. Devoted to God Almighty and able to demonstrate a religious attitude. (S1)
  2. Uphold human values in carrying out duties based on religion, morals and ethics. (S2)
  3. Contribute to improving the quality of life in society, nation, state, and civilization based on Pancasila. (S3)
  4. Play a role as a citizen who is proud and loves the country, has nationalism and a sense of responsibility to the state and nation. (S4)
  5. Appreciate the diversity of cultures, views, religions, and beliefs, as well as the original opinions or findings of others. (S5)
  6. Cooperate and have social sensitivity and concern for society and the environment. (S6)
  7. Obey the law and be disciplined in social and state life. (S7)
  8. Demonstrate an attitude of responsibility for work in their field of expertise independently. (S8)
  9. Uphold moral values, norms, and academic ethics. (S9)
  10. Internalizing the spirit of independence, struggle, and entrepreneurship. (S10)
  11. Excellent with Morality. (S11)

Common Skills

  1. Able to apply logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of developing or implementing science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values in accordance with their field of expertise. (KU1)
  2. Able to show independent, quality, and measurable performance. (KU2)
  3. Able to study the implications of the development or implementation of science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values in accordance with their expertise based on scientific rules, procedures, and ethics in order to produce solutions, ideas, designs, or art criticism, and compile a scientific description of the results of the study in the form of a thesis or final project report, and upload it on the college website. (KU3)
  4. Able to compile a scientific description of the results of the study in the form of a thesis or final project report, and upload it on the college website. (KU4)
  5. Able to make appropriate decisions in the context of problem solving in their field of expertise, based on the results of analysis of information and data. (KU5)
  6. Able to maintain and develop networks with mentors, colleagues, and peers both inside and outside the institution. (KU6)
  7. Able to be responsible for the achievement of group work results and supervise and evaluate the completion of work assigned to workers under his/her responsibility. (KU7)
  8. Able to carry out a comprehensive evaluation process of the work under his/her responsibility, and able to manage learning independently. (KU8)
  9. Able to document, store, secure, and retrieve data to ensure authenticity and prevent plagiarism. (KU9)


  1. Mastering scientific concepts and theories in various branches of chemistry (P1).
  2. Mastering the basic principles that support ways of chemical analysis with various chemical instruments, chemical synthesis and transformation, and other chemical experiments, and showing them in the form of practical reports (P2).
  3. Mastering the operation of the software to support chemical analysis, sinSkripsi, chemical transformation, modeling and other chemical experiment materials (P3).

Specialty Skills

  1. Able to solve science and technology problems in the field of chemistry through procedural approaches and scientific standards (KK1).
  2. Able to produce appropriate conclusions and solutions in decision making based on the results of identification, analysis, evaluation, and application of analytical chemistry, organic and inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry and biochemistry concepts (KK2).
  3. Able to disseminate chemical problem assessment studies to produce accurate conclusions in the form of reports or working papers (KK3).
  4. Able to analyze various alternative solutions in the field of identification, analysis, isolation, transformation, and synthesis of available chemicals using software (KK4).
  5. Able to carry out work in the field of chemistry independently and take responsibility for the achievement of institutional or organizational work results by prioritizing work safety and security (KK5).