[Announcement] The Result of International Community Development Selection Process

The result is finally out!

Congratulation to the name list below who has successfully passed the selection processes of International Community Development program presented by Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universitas Airlangga.

1. Teo Shao Hui
2. Law Lih Dong
3. Chan Yong Jing
4. Muhammad Ayub Bin Hasbullah
5. Saranya A/P Arumugam
6. Nurhusna Humaira Binti Mohamad Saffri
7. Gertruth Leevhan Tihin
8. Nasuha Binti Abu Yazid
9. Mazlita Binti Yahya

The International Community Development Program will be held on August 9th-15th, 2023 with the theme “Community Empowerment and Tourism in Sine Beach, Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia”.

For more detailed information, please contact to kimia@fst.unair.ac.id.

See you in Indonesia!